Tuesday, May 31. 2005
Probably I'm lazy and missed some other announcements earlier, but yesterday I discovered that (most of) the 21C3 videos are available via BitTorrent. This is nice, and they even have my lightning talk about TPP, although they only show me and not the screen. And I didn't get any sound working, yet, for the .avi-files. The .mp4-files are playing great, though, with mplayer. I can especially recommend the Fnord Jahresrückblick.
Thursday, December 30. 2004
21C3 was just "w00t!"  To me, it's been definitely the best Congress I've been to, with so many great talks and lectures, so much interesting discussions and fun with other people. To all those people who haven't been there: you definitely missed something.
Wednesday, December 29. 2004
I'm just coming from the 21C7 award ceremony, even with a prize, although I didn't win. I "only" got a special prize for the most inventive entry. The prize itself is a Toll Collect propaganda CD, sponsored by Volker Birk. Hooray!  You can download my entry here.
Tuesday, December 28. 2004
64 bytes from xxx.xx.xxx.xx: icmp_seq=412 ttl=53 time=16678.5 ms
I only experienced such huge RTTs before only once, and that was when one of our switches at work was b0rken due to evil electrons that came through the network cables (i.e. creeping current).
Today I had my lightning talk, starting at around 11. I was the second in row, it took me only 4:32 to present TPP, and about one more minute to answer all the open questions. I even got scene applause for showing the slide-in feature. Then, I watched the other lightning talks, some of which were quite interesting, too. After that, Thomas Warwaris presented some really funny and new things about software patents, followed by Richard who gave interesting insight into the area of natural language steganography. Even though Richard had explained the whole topic to me before, I heard a lot of new things about steganography in general and ways of breaking steganography. Unfortunately, there are not really any good lectures until the late evening, so I have to find something else to waste time without getting too bored.
Monday, December 27. 2004
Time for a first update on the 21C3: Yesterday, we arrived here in Berlin. At the airport in Vienna, we met Jule who was taking the same flight. The flight itself was extremely turbulent, from Vienna as far as the border from Czechia to Germany, from 3000 to 30000 feet. And just when the turbulences ended, we started the sinking flight again. Oh, and I spilled my apple juice all over Richard.
After we landed, we first brought our luggage to the youth hostel, and then bought our tickets for the 3 days. After that, we went for a quick snack and a long chat, and then Richard and me back to the hostel. Then night was turbulent, too, as we were woken up 3 times by different events...
Today started w/ coffee and donuts, and then lectures all day. Quick lunch at Burger King, then back to BCC. I bought the Conference Proceedings of 21C3 (finally they have some! with ISBN! Hooray!), 400 pages of hacker-related papers for EUR 25, a fair price methinks. Right now, I'm enjoying real net that actually works for the first time. Thanks to Teemu for the beer!
Sunday, December 26. 2004
Today, I'm going to Berlin. First, from Linz to Vienna by train, then a shuttle bus to Vienna Airport, and from Vienna Airport to Berlin Tegel. We should arrive at around 13:50. Afterwards we will first bring our stuff to our hostel, and then go to BCC to buy our tickets for 21C3. After that... we don't know yet. If anybody needs to contact me, here's my mobile phone number: +43/699/17778107.
Thursday, December 9. 2004
Note to self: must-sees in the 21C3 conference schedule: - Day 1:
- 11:00 - 12:00: Hidden Data in Internet Published Documents
- 12:00 - 13:00: Inside PDF (x)
- 13:00 - 14:00: Enforcing the GNU GPL (x)
- 14:00 - 15:00: Biometrie in Ausweisdokumenten
- 15:00 - 16:00: Edit This Page - Scaling the Wiki Beyond 1 Million (x)
- 16:00 - 17:00: Verified Fiasco - ein Projekt zur formalen Analyse und zum Beweisen der totalen Korrektheit des Mikrokern-Betriebssystems Fiasco
- 22:00 - 23:00: Free Software in South America (x)
- 23:00 - 24:00: Das Literarische Code-Quartett (x)
- Day 2:
- 11:00 - 12:00: Lightning Talks: Day 2 (x)
- 12:00 - 13:00: Softwarepatente - der Tag danach (x)
- 13:00 - 14:00: Natural Language Steganography (x)
- 15:00 - 17:00: Bluetooth Hacking
- 23:00 - 24:00: Fnord-Jahresrückblick
- Day 3:
- 11:00 - 12:00: Toll Collect - Verpeilen im industriellen Maßstab
- 15:00 - 16:00: Practical Mac OS X Insecurity
- 16:00 - 17:00: The Reality of Network Address Translators
- 19:00 - 21:00: Security Nightmares 2005
Update: changed a few things, due to changes in the Fahrplan. Fortunately, I can now see both "Natural Language Steganography" and "Softwarepatente - der Tag danach".
Update 2: the "(x)" means "seen".
Thursday, December 2. 2004
As reported here, the preliminary version 0.9 of the conference schedule on the 21C3, the "Fahrplan", is finally available. A number of really interesting talks are on the schedule, so I'm already happily looking forward to the conference.
Thursday, August 26. 2004
Today, the Call for Papers (CfP) for the 21st Chaos Communication Congress (21C3) has been published. Read, enjoy and submit (if you have something interesting to present at 21C3).
Sunday, August 22. 2004
As every year, this year's Chaos Communication Congress will take place from Dec 27th to Dec 29th in Berlin, this year as last year in the bcc at [[Alexanderplatz]]. To make it better than last year, the organizers started the website a lot sooner, although it doesn't contain that much unique content that we didn't know from the other congress websites before.
And to make everything better than the year before, a new Wiki has been started: 21c3.ccc.de. What I'm really happy about is that they took Mediawiki instead of TWiki (which they used to use before). Mediawiki is the software that Wikipedia is using, and definitely the Wiki software that is suited best for large-scale Wikis, and that most people are familiar with, even while it doesn't allow that finely grained access control as e.g. TWiki. Additionally, they even started an own weblog about 21C3, which is available at 21c3.ccc.de/weblog/.
I, for my part, also started with my preparations for 21C3: I'm currently working on a nice steganographic project based on ideas and heavily influenced by Richard Bergmair, who will himself present his work on linguistic steganography at 21C3 (if they only published the CfP  ).
Tuesday, January 6. 2004
I'm stunned what I found in cefalon's 20C3 gallery: a picture from my lecture, i.e. showing me on the stage, and the crowd actually listening to me. You can see it here. So this makes it pretty easy to estimate how many people actually were at my lecture. But what I can't see on the picture are the h0rny ch1x0rz sitting in the first row on the left (from my view) during my lecture. Well, I guess this is what every lecturer at 20C3 dreams of: groupies. Just let me my dreams, even when they have not become true.
Thursday, January 1. 2004
Here you can find the pictures that I took at the journey to 20C3 and at 20C3 itself. Unfortunately, my camera ate up all the pictures that I took the day after 20C3.
Monday, December 29. 2003
So, 20C3 is finally over. The lectures were quite interesting, the network was extremely crappy. I found it a nice experience, and more reports will follow as soon as I'm home on real and free internet (20C3 had no working internet at all, and the youth hostel here is expensive and castrated, i.e. no ssh, only a strictly configured IceWM without any shell and a Mozilla with IE theme). Richard is totally pissed off by the drug use on the congress, not only that it was tolerated, but also that it was (according to his words) encouraged at the closing event. I shouldn't tell him that I was totally f*cking stoned when taking part in yesterday's "Hacktivity". Anyway, photos and a longer report will follow in a few days.
Sunday, December 28. 2003
Watching Kill Bill Vol. 1 on the big screen in the big hall of the Berlin Congress Center is fun.  That's what I did last night. It definitely saved me a cinema ticket. Already expecting part 2.