Tuesday, December 18. 2012
Recently, I've been programming more and more in the Go programming language. Since my editor of choice has been vim for the last 10 years or so, I use vim to edit my Go code, as well. Of course, when I'm programming, I want my editor to support me in useful ways without standing in my way. So I took a look how I could improve my vim configuration to do exactly that.
The first stop is in the Go source tree itself. It provides vim plugins for syntax highlighting, indentation and an integration with godoc. This is a start, but we can go a lot further.
If you want auto-completion for functions, methods, constants, etc., then gocode is for you. After installation (I recommend installation via pathogen), you can use auto-completion from vim by pressing Ctrl-X Ctrl-O.
But with auto-completion, we can go even further: with snipmate, you have a number of things like if, switch, for loops that you can auto-complete by e.g. typing "if" and pressing the tab key. You can then continue pressing tab to fill out the remaining parts.
Another feature that I wanted to have as well was an automatic syntax check. For this task, you can use syntastic. But better configure it to passive mode and activate the active mode only for Go, otherwise other filetypes are affected as well. syntastic will call gofmt -l when saving a Go source file and mark any syntax errors it finds. This is neat to immediately find minor syntax errors, and thanks to Go's fast parsing, it's a quick operation.
Last but not least, I also wanted to have some features that aren't specific to Go: first, a file tree (but only if I open vim with no specific file), and second, an integration with ack to search through my source files efficiently and directly from vim. As a file tree, I found nerdtree to be quite usable, and as ack integration, I used this simple configuration snippet:
function! Ack(args)
let grepprg_back=&grepprg
set grepprg=ack\ -H\ --nocolor\ --nogroup
execute "silent! grep " . a:args
botright copen
let &grepprg=grepprg_back
command! -nargs=* -complete=file Ack call Ack()
For my complete vim configuration, just take a look at it in my dotfiles repository. Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 8. 2012
Recently, I had quite a lot of free time to do stuff on my own. I'm currently unfit for work, and have been for over 2 months now, while I'm being treated for depression (don't worry, it's getting better).
To get myself going and get back on my feet, I started taking playing with technologies that I had recently read about, and built some simple things with them. As usual, I publish my works as open source. meta.krzz.de is one of these things. It's a meta URL shortener that will submit your URL shortening request to a number of URL shorteners in parallel, in display you the shortened URLs as they are received. See here for the source.
The interesting thing about this project is that it's essentially my first project involving AJAXy things and a shiny user interface (I used Bootstrap for the UI). I never really liked JavaScript, due to quite a few awkward language properties. Instead, I tried out Dart, a new language by Google that is meant as a replacement for JavaScript and currently provides a compiler to translate Dart code to JavaScript.
Dart is rather conventional. It obviously reminds one of Java, due to a very similar syntax. With its class system, it also provides compile-time checks that rule out a lot of errors beforehand. In addition, the generated code is meant to be quite portable, i.e. it should work with all/most modern browsers. Even though the documentation is terrible, I still found my ways a lot quicker than with my previous attempts with JavaScript. I got code running pretty quickly, had some first prototype, and from there on, it went quite fast. So Dart got me kind of hooked. Client-side web programming suddenly seemed easy.
So the next thing that I tried out was building a location hash router. The location hash is the part after the # sign that you may sometimes see in URLs. In recent times, it got more popular to keep the state of so-called single-page apps, web applications where all communication to the server is done using AJAX and the page is modified not by reloading but by modifying the DOM tree instead. You can find the source for hashroute.dart here.
The idea behind it is that you define a number of path patterns, Sinatra-style, e.g. /foo/:id, and callbacks that will be called whenever the location hash is set to a value that matches the pattern. When you look at the source, this is surprisingly simple and easy to understand.
And so I tried out another thing in Dart. David Tanzer recently told me about his idea of writing a blackboard application, where one user can draw something (his idea was using a tablet computer) and others can watch this in real time in their browser. After having a rough idea how I could implement that, I started a prototype with Dart on the client-side and Go on the server-side. You can find the source for the prototype here. The drawing is done on a HTML5 <canvas>. The Dart client not only allows the drawing, but records the coordinates for every stroke, and sends them to the server using WebSockets. The server takes these coordinates and forwards them to all listening clients, again via WebSockets. The "slave" is equally simple: it opens a WebSocket to the Go server and draws all incoming strokes according to the submitted coordinates. Currently, there is no authentication at all, and it's only a very early prototype, but this is not only a piece of code that (again surprisingly) simple, but also an idea that could evolve into a useful tool.
In total, I'm very satisfied with how straightforward Dart makes it to write client-side web applications. I've been pretty much a n00b when it came to the client side of the web, but with Dart, it feels accessible for me for the first time.
Sunday, October 9. 2011
A bit more than a year ago, I started baconbird, my first attempt at a Twitter client that fits my requirements. I worked on it for some time, and it reached a level where it was usable, and where I was pretty happy with it. But due to a few poor choices, chances for further development diminished, and I basically halted the project, and only used the software. And after using it for a few months, more and more principal defects, practically unfixable, came up. Just too much began to suck, so earlier this week, I decided to throw baconbird away and reboot the whole project.
But first things first: my first poor choice was using Perl. Sure, Perl provided me with all the tools to come to meaningful results really quickly, through the vast amount of ready-to-use modules in the CPAN archive. And that's what's really great about it. What's not so great about Perl are the ideas of concurrency. You basically have to resort to event-based, async-I/O programming, which is not only painful by itself, but also extremely painful to integrate with my widget set of choice, STFL. And threads in Perl... don't do it, that's what everyone says. That meant that I couldn't do any of the Twitter communication asynchronously in the background, but had to do it in my primary thread of execution, essentially make it part of the subsequent calls of the input loop, if I wanted to retain sanity and a certain level of productivity. And that made baconbird really slow to use, and when Twitter's API was offline, baconbird practically hung. That made baconbird just a PITA to use, and I had to change something about it.
Also, in the last few months, I played more and more with Go, a programming language developed by several people at Google, many of which were formerly involved in projects like Unix or Plan 9. I became more fluent in it, and I really liked the concepts of Go about concurrency, parallelism and IPC. Also, I played with Go's foreign function interface, cgo, and built a wrapper around STFL so that it could be used with Go. So, essentially, Go would provide me with a few language features that I totally missed in Perl, while it wouldn't provide me with other niceties, like a CPAN-like repository. But finally, I decided to just bite the bullet, at least build upon an existing OAuth implementation for Go, and started my second incarnation of an STFL-based Twitter client, this time written in Go. And, after some initial prototyping that started last Thursday, I put more work into it this Saturday and Sunday, and today I reached the point where I had some code to show that wasn't completely ugly, had some structure and the basic outlines of an architecture, and that obviously didn't suffer from all the negative things that I hated about baconbird.
The overall structure is simple: three goroutines are started, one for the model (which does all the interaction with the Twitter API), one for the controller (which, now that I think about it, may be obsolete, because it doesn't do that much except for receiving new tweets and sending them to the UI), and one for the user interface (which does all the non-interactive redrawing and UI fiddling). Reading the user input is done in the main execution thread of the program, but no parsing is done and all input is given directly to the user interface goroutine. As already suggested, these three goroutines communicate using channels. When the model receives new tweets, it sends them to the controller, the controller puts them into a list of all tweets and then forwards them to the user interface, and the user interface inserts them into the list of tweets that are displayed to the user. And when a new tweet is sent, the text for it is read by the user interface, but is then sent to the model (again via a channel; i.e. the application won't block while the tweet is being transmitted to Twitter), and when sending the tweet is finished, the Twitter API returns the tweet object, which is then again handed over to the controller and the user interface (so that you can immediately see your own tweet in your home timeline as soon as it's reached Twitter). That's basically all the functionality that's there, but there's a lot more to come.
And before I forget it: the code is already out there. Visit gockel ("Gockel" means "rooster" in German, which is a type of bird [Twitter, bird, you know], and I chose it because the first two letters also give a hint about the programming language in which it is being developed), and read the source code, which I consider to be rather simple and easy to understand. A lot more will change, new features, everything will be better, and hopefully soon, gockel will be ready to achieve world domination. No, seriously: this reboot finally gives me the ability to (hopefully) implement the Twitter Streaming API with only minimal amounts of pain.
Tuesday, July 5. 2011
In the last few months, from time to time I experimented with the programming language Go, a new systems language released only in 2009 and developed by people like Ken Thompson, Rob Pike and Russ Cox at Google. While still staying relatively low-level, it adds a garbage collector, and simple object/interface system, and the mechanisms of goroutines and channels as means of concurrency and inter-process communication (or should I say inter-goroutine communication).
In the last few days, I found more time to experiment with Go, and finally fully got the hang of the object system, and I must say that I really like it, both for the simplicity and the expressiveness. Objects in Go feel so simple, so natural, and at the same time powerful, with very little syntactic overhead. So that's what I want to write about today.
Let's start with a simple example:
Here we created a new type Vehicle with one private member "speed", and a method Speed() that returns the current speed. Of course, a vehicle all by its own isn't very useful, so we define the minimal requirements for a vehicle that's actually usable:
Here we define an interface named Drivable that defines the required methods for an object to be drivable, in our case, it must be able to accelerate, brake and show the current speed. Based on this, we construct our first actually usable vehicle:
And voila, we have our first Car that is also Drivable. What did we exactly do here?
We created a new type Car that is a struct, and embedded the type Vehicle: instead of adding a named member, we added an unnamed member, only specified by the type. This embedding also makes all available methods for this type available to our new type, i.e. a method Speed() is now also available for our type Car.
In addition, we implemented two new methods, Accelerate() and Brake(), in order to match the interface Drivable. And last but not least, we implemented a function to create a new Car.
Now, let's create another type of Drivable vehicle, let's say a boat:
So far, so uninteresting. The implementation of the boat is basically the same as the car, so nothing new.
But now I want to go a step further and implement and amphibious vehicle that is both a car and a boat. Let's just do that:
But that doesn't quite work out, because when we try to compile it, we will see an error message like this:
Since we embedded both Car and Boat into Amphibian, the compiler can't decide which Accelerate() method it shall use, thus communicating it as ambiguous. Based on that, it also says that it can't create an object of type Amphibian as Drivable because it has no proper Accelerate() function. This is the classic problem of diamond inheritance that we need to resolve here, not only for Accelerate(), but also for Brake() and Speed(). In the case of the amphibious vehicle, we do this by returning the right speed depending on whether the vehicle is in the water or on land:
And of course, the object perfectly works as Drivable:
So, what I just showed you are the capabilities in what Go modestly calls embedding but that feels like multiple inheritance and is really simple at the same time.
For a more complete view on Go and its features, I recommend the official Go documentation, and especially " Effective Go", a document that introduces the most important Go features and shows how to write idiomatic Go code. The complete example source code can be found here.