This weekend, I wrote
tpp ("text presentation program"), an ncurses-based presentation tool. The idea is really simple: you write your presentation in a simple description language (similar to
MagicPoint) using your favorite editor, and then display the slides on any text terminal that is supported ncurses, be it an old VT100, the Linux console w/ or w/o framebuffer or a simple xterm (or any other terminal emulator for X11).
I had the idea for tpp on my way home from Anif to Linz last friday, and as soon as I came home, I went to my computer, and started hacking it using
Ruby. In the late evening, a first usable version was ready. And on saturday I made some cleanups and added a few more features. Actually, developing tpp went a lot quicker than I thought, but this is yet another example that Ruby is extremely good for rapid prototyping, and in this case, the prototype became the actual program. Or maybe not...? Rewrites of tpp in C & ncurses are gladly accepted.