Monday, January 5. 2004
(gdb) r test/wc < eval.c
Starting program: /home/ak/scheme0/nfl test/wc < eval.c
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x400879ef in malloc () from /lib/
Uh, I love it (...not!).
The article So far, so good explains how spammers try to "poison" or defeat bayesian filters, and why this cannot work (fortunately). This is a followup to this weblog entry.
As a quick hack, I ported the latest systrace patch to the current Linux 2.6.0 kernel. You can find the patch here: systrace-linux-2.6.0-v1.4.diff. This is totally untested. The only thing I actually tested is whether it compiles, and it does. So, feedback is definitely welcome.
BTW: the "totally untested" is not that bad, actually, since I based the patch on the systrace patch for 2.5.59, which I first adapted for 2.6.0, and then merged in all changes between 1.1 (the version the 2.5.59 patch is based on) and 1.4 (the latest systrace version).
From: Noah Poe
Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2004 15:58:49 -0600
Subject: canberra happen
aides bone emmanuel rumania persistent josephine pencil majesty bottom
anarch molecular cafe hepburn done ellipsoid monoceros chokeberry pungent decontrolled
orphanage keel cessna lippincott drugstore onion inclement empire
WTF?! Is this anti-ECHELON keyword spamming?
Sunday, January 4. 2004
As promised, here is a picture that I took during skiing:
Saturday, January 3. 2004
Skiing is fun, and Gosau is definitely the place to be. Today I was skiing there for over 5 hours. The first few hours sucked extremely (never go skiing without a breakfast and having slept out totally and be sure to have totally warm feet), but after a hot soup and a drink everything was fine again. Unfortunately, the weather at Gosau wasn't that pretty, and so we had to ski through sometimes really thick fog, and had sun and blue sky for less than an hour. The snow was generally pretty nice (top-quality snow cannon snow ;-), except for a few icy slopes. As soon as I find time to copy the pictures from my digicam, I will post a picture of this really nice skiing trip.
Thursday, January 1. 2004
NFL, the naive functional language, is finally released as version 0.1. I encourage everyone to download it and try it out. Many changes were done compared to the last preview version, lots of bugs were fixed, a number of string functions were added (including Perl-like split and join functions), and more test programs were added.
Feedback is welcome (as usual), should you write an nfl program, please send them to me so that I can include them as examples and/or test programs into the official nfl package.
Here you can find the pictures that I took at the journey to 20C3 and at 20C3 itself. Unfortunately, my camera ate up all the pictures that I took the day after 20C3.
The turn of the year doesn't mean anything to me, except that the year is now 2004 instead of 2003. So, enough for now, expect some published code later this day (guess what  .
Monday, December 29. 2003
So, 20C3 is finally over. The lectures were quite interesting, the network was extremely crappy. I found it a nice experience, and more reports will follow as soon as I'm home on real and free internet (20C3 had no working internet at all, and the youth hostel here is expensive and castrated, i.e. no ssh, only a strictly configured IceWM without any shell and a Mozilla with IE theme). Richard is totally pissed off by the drug use on the congress, not only that it was tolerated, but also that it was (according to his words) encouraged at the closing event. I shouldn't tell him that I was totally f*cking stoned when taking part in yesterday's "Hacktivity". Anyway, photos and a longer report will follow in a few days.
Sunday, December 28. 2003
Watching Kill Bill Vol. 1 on the big screen in the big hall of the Berlin Congress Center is fun.  That's what I did last night. It definitely saved me a cinema ticket. Already expecting part 2.
The network is really crappy. I hate that. I took me over two hours to get a network that is stable enough to simply login into my home computer via ssh. Now, at around 3 am, the network is finally working more or less, most likely because there is way less load on the network. So, enough rants.
Saturday, December 27. 2003
It sucks when the internet access is flaky. Extremely flaky. My lecture was running pretty good, a lot of people were attending it, and most of them did get my jokes. Unfortunately, it was much too short, i.e. I was finished within 40 minutes, while I had at least 50 minutes of time for my talk.
The 20C3 just started. The network is still a bit flaky, and everything is a bit chaotic, but the usual congress atmosphere is already coming up. Unfortunately, space is not that much available, so currently, I have to sit at the quintessenz booth. Not much space here, either, but at least electricity and friendly people. More reports will follow shortly.
The network is extremely flaky, as I had big problems posting this weblog entry.
Friday, December 26. 2003
 In less than 3 hours, I'll be on my way to Berlin. Actually, first of all, I have to go to Vienna, where I then go to the airport, where I will take a plane to Berlin. At around 6 pm I should have reached Berlin. Checking out will take some time, so I expect to leave Berlin-Tegel not before 7 pm. Then first I will leave all my stuff at the hotel, and try to get my ticket for tomorrow. Without getting a ticket today, it will be extremely hard to get to the opening event early enough. The opening event is a must, since the official documentation movie about the Chaos Communication Camp will be presented, which I just have to see.