Saturday, February 14. 2004Having fun with Jehova's witnessesTrackbacks
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you sinner, the end is coming....after all, haven't you heard of the singularity?
sarcasm and jokes aside, imo, jehova's witnesses are not part of a religious sect, as they appear at first glance, but they constitute a very large socio-economic entity. and this ia also what matters to them. as you're probably aware of, they go to their own doctors/hospitals, shop for merchants who are jehova's witnesses too, and so forth. i'd say that jehova's witnesses cater for the lower classes whereas masons target the higher-income classes. but beneath the surface, they are both socio-economic organisations. nothing , or very little to do with religion in the biblical sense.
Die Zeugen mögen außerordentlich uncool sein.
Aber die konsequente Haltung während des 2. und des 1. Weltkriegs gibt ihnen zumindest bei mir sehr hohe Kredibilität.
zum thema zeugen jehovas und 3. reich gibt es allerhand untersuchungen und die zeigen, das es da durchaus annaeherungn(aus der spitze) gegeben hatte. die nazis wollten die zeugen nicht, das wars.... generell: natuerlich gibt es einen unterschied in gottes grundsaetzlicher linie von altem zu neuem testament. er hat seinen sohn fuer unsere suenden geopfert, deswegen konnte gott vom raecher zum zurueckgelehnten, abwartenden werden. die zeugen verfuehren einen schnell mal dazu, billig zu argumentieren, denn das fussvolk ist nicht grade das, was man sich unter einem "bibelforscher" vorstellt. aber mit ernsthafteren argumenten als "opium fuer die massen" sollte man doch kommen. das ist so wie "nazis raus" als einziges argument gegen rechtsradikale... btw: die watchtower society ist IMHO nicht mal eine religioese sekte. ich siedele sie zwischen scientology und pyramiden spielen an....
Die Zeugen moegen ausserordentlich uncool sein.
Ihre Bibelauslegung unlogisch. Ihre Prophezeiungen absurd. Das aendert aber nichts daran, wie feige, rueckgratslos, antisemitisch und antikommunistisch sich der religoese Mainstream verhalten hat. Wieviel Unterstuetzung hat denn Franz Jaegerstaetter von seiner Kirche bekommen? Und wie viele Zeugen gingen in absoluten und relativen Zahlen wegen Wehrdienstverweigerung ins KZ? Wer ausser Kommunisten und Zeugen hat etwas dabei gefunden, seine Heimat in Stalingrad zu verteidigen?
It's funny to see how much ignorance has inhabited the earth....Intolerent?! If God was truly intolerent he would have gotten rid of this earth a long time ago..destroying every single person in this forsaken earth..God is merely letting humans have time to mend their ways and realize the truth about their ways...It's funny to see how much people have let society break their will and their spirituality due to mere impatience and infulence of thing that come to pass...funny, huh?
I am of the opinion that all of the worlds religions are somewhat off the path set by the teachers that we claim to follow. Specifically in Christianity. This includes Jahova's Witnesses, Catholics, and the various offshoots of Protestantism. As far as the JW's are concerned...their main arguments for why they are "the truth" all revolve around how immoral other religions are. Well, other religions are immoral. They do give their blessing to man's wars and greed. They do worship idols (they pray to the cross, they pray to Marry (and they think she died a virgin.....!), they do have American flags in their front yards [pledging allegience to a flag is the textbook deffinition of idol worship]). But if I were to sit in the middle of some wretched place, rife with crime, and break somebody's windshield....could I claim to be moral? No? But that man down the street just stabbed somebody's grandmother. He's I must not be...right? Wrong. Either're still immoral. I've heard of multiple accounts of JW's leaving the front door of somebody who wasn't receptive to their message and saying something along the lines of..."well, I'll be living in their house one day." Not a very moral perspective...not one that is indicative of a group that knows and peddles "the truth". A religion is only as good as its parts.
But I do believe in God...I do believe in Evolution (micro and macro). For me personally, Evolution seemed full of holes, as did the common interpretation of the Judeo-Christian story of Creation. They only really seemed to make sense when combined.'ve got to have faith in something...and, as a former athiest (made so by the fact that I could find no sound spiritual guidence from the various sects of Christianity that I have been exposed to) I should point out that my own intellect, which is what I fell back on in the absence of God, was not enough to give me any real answers. Nor was the intellect of any scientist or mathematician claiming to know how we got here. I would urge you to listen to those people who's opinions differ from yours (even if you cannot bring yourself to respect those opinions...and frankly, in some cases I cannot blame you). Its the only way anybody has ever learned anything. And like Mill cannot know that his opinion is true unless he first listens to every opinion that differs from his own with sincerity, without preconceived notions, and with the willingness to drop his opinion of proven wrong. (Like I have multiple times).
you have a free will to either abide by the law of God or not for the benefit of yourself and others. If you choose NOT God mercifully allows you this choice but you will be excluded from heavenly membership. Sin is biblically defined as breaking the ten commandments. Human history has proven the damage to the human race (stealing, lying, killing, coveting etc. All those who practice sin hurt or disadvantage the innocent. People throughout history have been given the opportunity to either follow God or not . Any who want to follow God's law will be able to in his Kingdom and those who love sin (breaking His law) would be unhappy in an environment where everyone willingly submited to keeping His law or doing His will, and so will be mercifully excluded. Not only does God have the right to stipulate how we ought to live, history has proved the law to be just, holy and good. Read the commandments (Exodus chapter 8 verses 20 onwards and excersize your free choice.
you are all suck u must see the jehova"s and then talk stupid gues
Actually, neville, sin is defined as any imperfection. When you walk down the street and trip over a crack in the are demonstrating a sinful nature. It is the curse of being an imperfect being. The fact that you need sleep to survive is a sin. The fact that you are vulnerable to disease is a sin. You are talking about moral sins. And these do not simply revolve around the ten commandments. There are most likely far more. Take, for instance, the multitude of rules for behavior presented in the books not included in our standard version of the Bible. They were given to the Israelites by God and Jesus, in his ministry, never once refuted them as a whole. He marked certain ones, and then told of their acquired irrelevance, but one could assume that if they have not been actively refuted by either God or Jesus, we should still be following them. So, where are they? Why don't I know what they are? Why did nobody teach me when I was young...they must be important. The ten commandments are only a small part of what you are talking about.
Well, i am very knowledgable on the beliefs of jehova witnesses. You seem to judge too quickly and come across as a rude person. You have no respect for others and their beliefs. I am not here to tell you what to believe or that you are wrong. I am here to tell you that aside from atheist, you are a jerk. Plain and simple. Why find joy at laughing at others? Why make fun of those who do have beliefs? They have the guts to stand up against a crowd and say, "I love the color blue, and I stand for the color blue, and I believe in the color blue, and so should you. I want to share my thoughts about the color blue, and share my joy with you." You should not hate. You should admire. I for one admire a jerk such as you who is willing to find praise for being so good at it. Congratulations. You are an official jerk. I do not care what your beliefs are, and what your opinion is, I just want to let you know, you need to shut-up. Life is too short to waste it on making fun of others. So what? Who cares? People have the right to believe in whatever they want just as much as you have the right to be a jerk. Yet, being a jerk is not a very appealing extra-curricular activity. You need a life and you must get over it. How can you speak of that which you do not know? Are you knoledgeable on the subject? Have you read two or three different bibles and bothered to understand or ask questions? Have you tried to have a decent conversation towards the subject? Apparently, you have not. You are ignorant and you choose to stay ignorant. If that floats your boat, more power to you; however, if you want to portray yourself as all high and mighty, well then, you have a problem. I pity you. Notice, that throughout, I have not mentioned that I am a Jehova Witness. I do not write to you to represent them in any way. I just write to you to let you know that you are narrow minded and are not open to new ideas. I pity you. The fool. I pity the fool who is not open, who refuses to change, who denies what is and what is not, and who will never learn or grow. From admiration to pity, congratulations jerk. You are really moving up the ladder.
good 1 aimee! : ) I am here searching for information about God and have come accross many things, alot of them cruel. It has dawned on me that we are not content to live and let others live yet make them as miserable as we are. WE ( as a culture ) do, can, and will not accept other societys and points of view. Look at 911. Terrorists mad becuase we think we are superior. I am not a Jehovah Wittness obviously or I would probably be talking a lot "nicer" right now. However I do have a neighbor who is a witness and she is very sweet. Also have had the experience to know and grow up around some. My advice to all read about at least 4 -6 different bibles and you will come to your own conclusion. There is truth in at least 85 % of the witness teachings. All bibles point to that. They just changed the name of God or anything to suit their religion. Have a good day to all.
Who knows the absolute truth. Until then no one shoud say anything.
man..with that kind of attitude nothing would get done...ever. If you don't know the absolute truth about something than don't discuss it? The computer you typed that message on is only here because men who didn't know the "absolute truth" about certain theories decided to have a discussion about them and, ultimately, bring the fruits of that discussion to realization. Einstein wouldn't have said a damn thing...neither would the Dalai Lama or Buddha. Forget cars and television, tennis shoes and blowpops. Forget the wheel or the use of fire. Well, those are the implications of your comment anyway.
Uhh, yea. In my opinion, Aimee, you're full of crap. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and, if you're such a great person, why are you bothering him? I am a Catholic, but hey whatever, i find it funny when people try to undermind other Catholics, im not a bad and unmoral kid because of it. At least i dont run around telling others "blue is the best color of all. To be Frank, i agree with AK. Its freakin funny watching Jehova's Witness babble all day long about how they're the best people ever, yet they do say things like "ill be living in that house someday..." Wow, the irony
LIFE !Get saved! The worlds sin is unbelief in jEsUS! Imagine! all of our sins were put on Jesus and the only sin we can GO TO THE GRAVE WITH THAT WILL KEEP US OUTOF LIFE IS UNBELIEF. He is the only one with eternal life or immortatlity. He said, I have come that you might have LIFE. You dont just die and go to heaven and float around on a cloud all day. You have to be Born Again and get a new nature of Jesus. You have to get the Holy Spirit. Not a religion! A new creation! So its up to you! Life or death you choose! If you want life pray" God in heaven, thank you that you gave Jesus to take away my sin and make me a new creation, I accept the blood shed on calvary on my behalf as payment for my sin debt which was death. Please give me your ressurected LIFe. i RECIEV IT AND i THANK YOU FOR IT AND I KNOW I CAN NEVER LOSE IT. tHANK YOU! tHATS ALL THERE IS TO IT AND ONLY A DUMMY WOULD REFUSE IT! sO DONT BE A DUMMY JUST TO IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS! Get a BIBLE SO YOU CAN READ IT AS IT IS YOURS NOW AND YOU CAN CLAIM IT AS YOURS. To as many as recieved Him Jesus to them God gave the right to become a son of God, even to those who were born of his spirit! Ask and you shall receive! Dont ask and no Life! ?You need it because of what you are and not because of what you do. You do what you do because of what you are! A sinner who is dead in treaspasses and sins, and you need life to be able to live forever. His Life not yours His! Becuase I love ya and I have it and I want all of you to have it!
Can clearly see that all of you are set in your ways believing in God or not. All of you are telling the other are set in your ways and not open to new ideas when you are doing the same. Religion has changed so much over the centuries twisted and changed so many times that now what God Says is actually meant something else eg homo-sexuals, as firm believer in science i believe they are nothing more gentic abnormalitys, the bible says there siners and today there acceptable because religion has once again being twisted, it makes me wonder if the bible was changed before this could that your belief are changed by human condition. Jesus was a pacifist so why have so many praised his name in war? in another 100 years region will change again. Thats why i trust science with evidence to support it, that makes alway right and wil only change with a thurther understanding building upon evidence.
WE AS JEHOVAH S WITNESSES WE DONT FORCE PEOPLE TO BELIEVE IN OUR BELIEVES BUT WE ARE JUST DOING WHAT GOD THROUGH HIS WORD TELL US.HE SAYS preach this news to all the nations and then after i will bring the end and those who do my will will leave on earth forever.To all the people in the world i would like to say watch out for the signs that the end is near and the bigger one is AIDS.NO ONE CAN CURE AIDS BUT DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED BECAUSE SOON ACCORDING TO REVELATION 21:4 GOD SAYS HE WILL WIPE EVERY TEAR FROM OUR EYES.TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO STILL TAKE BELIEVING IN GOD AS SUPERSTITION I AM PRAYING FOR YOU
so hard and so little time left to find the truth of this universal conglomerant.
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