I returned from Luxemburg on Sunday, but so far, I didn't have the time to update my weblog.
I went to Luxemburg by car, together with CM, Chris and Hans, which was quite boring, since it took almost 8 hours to get from Austria to Luxemburg. I actually expected to sleep in a youth hostel (that's what the organizers wrote in the emails), but it was actually an "Ibis" hotel. The hotel room was really small, but everything else was quite OK. So, after the check-in, we drove to some pizza restaurant. Well, pizza in Luxemburg doesn't seem to be very good, and also the beer (Mousel) was, well, sub-standard.
The next day, we had breakfast at the hotel, which I really enjoyed, since everything was there: fresh croissants, butter, jam, orange juice. Just nice.

After that, we went to the IST by car, where the whole event was already starting. The whole event was quite OK, there was free coffee and free cookies available, and the lectures were quite OK, too. After that, we again went eating pizza, also with a b-class pizza, but at least the beer was OK.

On Saturday, the same thing as the before, but this time, I didn't really have the time to have that much breakfast, since I had my lecture starting at 9:30 in the morning. The lecture went pretty smooth, although not more than 10 people showed up. After the lecture, I even got the book "Secure Programming Cookbook" from a sponsor.

At 1:30 pm I went to the Utopolis cinema, and watched "The Matrix Revolutions", in english, of course (hey, when do I have the chance to do that again?), with french and netherlandish (?) subtitles. Then I went back to the IST, watching the last lecture, and joining the social event. After the social event, we again went out eating (chinese this time), and then back to the hotel.
On Sunday, we again got up, had breakfast, and then drove home to Austria, which was extremely tiring. :-/
Photos about the event can be found here: