Wednesday, February 25. 2004Real life censorship and repressionTrackbacks
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A reason to switch schools?
I used to work for a company with Zwangsproxy. Usually a week or two after discovering a new anonymizer, it was added to the proxies block list. After half a year, I was fed up and switched jobs. I don't know anything about your school's quality, but I guess you aren't missing anything interesting if you are thrown from school. An entry like "thrown from school because of fighing censorship" in your CV doesn't sound too bad, so it might be worth to see what happens. (I would bet nothing, unless you are into kiddy pr0n or warez or something similar)
Oh, btw, is your blog already on the proxies black list? Perhaps by adding a few more proxy-buzzwords
![]() ------------------------------ plutonium, encryption, anthrax, Sarin, ammonium nitrate, bomb, guns, firearms, munitions, NSA, CIA, Allah, jihad, Cuba, oil, terrorist, FBI, field area agent, Communism, Anti-Globalist... ----------------------------------------------------- sex, erotica, adult, hardcore, porno, porn, xxx, sexy, anal,oral, blowjob, fetish, ass, asses, cum, nude, nudes, fuck, blowjob, cunt,cock, dick, horny, pussy, bondage, orgasm, naked, xrated, homosexual, sex, erotica, adult, hardcore, porno, porn, xxx, sexy, anal,oral, blowjob, fetish, ass, asses, cum, nude, nudes, fuck, blowjob, cunt,cock, dick, horny, pussy, bondage, orgasm, naked, xrated, homosexual, sex, erotica, adult, hardcore, porno, porn, xxx, sexy, anal,oral, blowjob, fetish, ass, asses, cum, nude, nudes, fuck, blowjob, cunt,cock, dick, horny, pussy, bondage, orgasm, naked, xrated, homosexual, sex, erotica, adult, hardcore, porno, porn, xxx, sexy, anal,oral, blowjob, fetish, ass, asses, cum, nude, nudes, fuck, blowjob, cunt,cock, dick, horny, pussy, bondage, orgasm, naked, xrated, homosexual, sex, erotica, adult, hardcore, porno, porn, xxx, sexy, anal,oral, blowjob, fetish, ass, asses, cum, nude, nudes, fuck, blowjob, cunt,cock, dick, horny, pussy, bondage, orgasm, naked, xrated, homosexual, sex, erotica, adult, hardcore, porno, porn, xxx, sexy, anal,oral, blowjob, fetish, ass, asses, cum, nude, nudes, fuck, blowjob, cunt,cock, dick, horny, pussy, bondage, orgasm, naked, xrated, Have fun.... ![]()
I cannot switch school. I simply can't. It's part of my education, and it's compulsory. I basically have no choices but either to swim with the stream or to rebel against it (or at least act in subversive ways).
Hmm how about standing up loud against it, founding a free speach group, subversively spread howtos for circumventing the proxy, and not beeing caught etc? I think that's one thing i would do.
Right now, I do surf via JAP (in one computer lab it works, while it doesn't in the other), and I already showed my classmates how to surf anonymously, and they're all pretty happy.
Then again, if you have a home base outside the restricted network, it's pretty hard to restrict you - stunnel for windows and the proxy patch do wonders for this. HTTPS can not be censored, and hardly anyone blocks it, since it's required for so many useful things.
i know exactly what you're saying, as so many others. this is life- take it or leave it: there will always be some wanker insisting on enforcing some ridiculous policy to censor content that some other wanker has found unethical.
the only practical adive i can give, although i had a very hard time following it, is what one of my friends says: play the white man dude. pretend you adhere to all the dumb rules, and you respect the higher authority, and then undermine their authority the wqay you have done so: by letting everyone else in your secret way to bypass their insane security checks.
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