Making your own sushi is fun. As I really like Sushi, I equipped myself with all the necessary stuff to make sushi (or actually maki) totally by myself. Chain stores like
Interspar usually have all the stuff you need available - in my case, I only needed to enter the store, go to the first shelf on the left, and take out the first five products from right to left.
All the products are from
Blue Dragon, a UK based company specialized on asian food. The stuff you need is soy sauce (shoyu), pickled ginger (gari), japanese horse radish (wasabi), roasted sea weed (nori), a small bamboo mat for rolling the maki (makisu), sushi rice, all the food you want to put into the sushi, and a good knife. What you put into the rolls is only limited by the space (you can't really put a lot into the roll) and your imagination. Often, you put in some sort of raw fish, like salmon, tuna or swordfish, and vegetables. I personally prefer carrot and rucola.
For more information on making sushi by yourself, I can recommend
super-sushi.de, an excellent website with plenty of information about all kinds of sushi, the equipment you need, good recipes, etc. And one more tip: when inviting people for dinner, sushi can be an unusual and inventive starter.
Update: Oops, I forgot to mention the rice vinegar (thx to jule for the hint). Here I cannot recomment the one from Blue Dragon, as it's really expensive compared to other brands. I bought the one from "San Shi" (distributed by Bonelli Food Broker GmbH), with a price of (IIRC) less than EUR 3,- for 0.5 l of fine rice vinegar to spice up the actual rice.