On Saturday I was in the cinema, watching the new movie
Underworld. Oh, well, it's 100 % trash. Actually, that's what I expected. But the plot is totally wicked: werewolves and vampires originate from one man who survived the plague in the 5th centuy (huh? wasn't the plague around the 12th century?), and who somehow absorbed genetic properties of the virus and thus got invincible (strange, eh?

. So, at some point there was a big dispute between werewolves and vampires, because a (male) werewolf was in love with a (female) vampire, but wasn't allowed to marry her, because the vampires wanted to have their race pure. And that started a big war between werewolves and vampires that lasts for more than 600 years.
What is funny is what they use for fighting each other: the vampires try to kill the werewolves using silver bullets and silvernitrate bullets (which get liquid when they enter the werewolves' body, and thus can't be removed), and the werewolves fight the vampires using bullets that illuminate ultraviolet light as soon as they enter the vampires' bodies. Anyway, I don't want to spoil more, but so far, this is the background story, and as you can see, really strange.
The staging itself was relatively boring at some points, and the end was so open that a second part can be expected in case Underworld is a success (financially). A lot of shooting (why the heck can they shoot bullets after bullets from their fully automatic handgun for several minutes without any reloading?), a few really bad bullet-time-like effects, and a really bad story: this is really 100 % trash.
One highlight of the movie was the actor
Erwin Leder, the
Johann from the classic WW II submarine movie
Das Boot. He played some kind of doctor or researcher werewolf, and I almost instantly recognized him, although he changed a lot compared to 1981. BTW: I can really recommend into having a look into Erwin Leder's
filmography, it's really interesting (and sometimes funny) which roles he played so far.