Today's "highlight" of the classes was during the lessons where we learnt about relational databases. We walked through an example with (besides others) a customer table, which was not conforming to the third normal form, as it both contained the postal code and the city name (they're both non-key-attributes and they're functionally depending on each other). I pointed that out to the teacher, and all I got as an answer was that it would be OK. I then asked for a reason, and the teacher replied that it would be an exception, and she read that on the internet. I said that I couldn't accept the answer but I'll leave it as is.
That really made me angry, not only because the teacher couldn't give me a reasoned answer, but also because of this "because the internet says so" type of answer. Ms. Teacher, the internet is not the ultimate source of knowledge, and could probably contain false information. What is also suspicious is the generic term "the internet". No reference to a specific website, no nothing.
IMHO, that teacher has to go. Incapable of teaching correct content, incapable of actually completely understanding what she teaches, and incapable of giving reasoned answers.