So far, everything was pretty smooth. About one hour after my lower right wisdom tooth was removed, I took one of those painkillers, and so far, I'm totally pain-free (probably the excellent Schilcher wine prolongates the effect of the painkiller ;-), and that's pretty good. What I didn't write in my last postings was that my dentist explained all details about the wisdom tooth removal, including some kind of disclaimer that he told me what he's going to do and what the risks are. He doesn't like these US-american "traditions", but he has to say it since a few months or so.
Fortunately not.

My lower right wisdoom tooth was removed, and the doctor prescribed me painkillers. Fortunately, my dentist is pretty good, so he did a good local anesthesia: the right side of my lower lip and the chin is totally dumb, and so far, I don't feel any pain.
Tomorrow (no, actually today, April 21st that is), I will have a nice visit at my dentist, where I will mount his "torture rack". I already fear it, since my teeth are not in the greatest state (well, most of them are, except for the wisdom teeth, which are partially caries-afflicted), and my lower right row of teeth is hurting so badly that I feel the pain in my right ear, which pretty much sucks. So, I already feel that this is going to be a big mess tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, then in a few weeks. Well, at least my dentist is humane, and gives me a local anesthesia, unlike those butcher-like sadistic dentists you usually find in public hospitals.
According to the
GCC 3.4 ChangeLog, UnixWare support in GCC has been obsoleted. This is really great news. Totally unrelated, SCOX's stocks are going down the drain.
Yahoo! Finance has a nice overview over the last 5 days, while
NASDAQ gives you a nice 3-month overview.