Look how well Elisabeth Gehrer's pants burned in the "Offen gesagt" TV discussion when she (as member of the current government) claimed that their politics is so social while in fact it isn't. Look, dear government, just repeating a lie doesn't make it any more true. Only in the people's heads (that's what's usually called "spin doctoring"), and it seems like that's the only thing you want.
What I also hate is the Americanization of the election campaign, where the opposite side's candidate (in this case, Heinz Fischer) is being dragged through the dirt with extremely old stories from his political past (that - in the end - showed what crude and undemocratic ideas about secret voting Benita Ferrero-Waldner has), and where so-called "cheering persians" (coin termed by Dirk von Lowtzow, and refers to the people that were engaged to cheer loud and happily whenever the Persian Shah went somewhere) with big signs are cheering for the cameras while in the foreground an interview is going on, and continuing cheering even while Benita Ferrero-Waldner was obviously clearly losing. Without being cynical, this reminded of the "keep the course 'til the Endsieg" slogans that the young HJ-recruited soldiers were told in the weeks before the Germans ultimately lost WW II, even while everybody knew that the Third Reich was going to lose.
Well, at least the right person won in this day's elections. Hopefully, honesty soon returns into politics.