Yesterday, there was the second day of Linzfest, an annual kind of festival with lots of international bands playing. I took the time to go there with Paula, and listened to some really interesting music. It started with Skamp, a Lithuanian (thx2spellchecker

band, which was pretty boring.
Then "Les Babacools" were playing, a German band playing Reggae, Ska, Hip-Hop, and similar stuff. That music was really nice, and it was the only act this day where most of the people in the crowd directly in front of the stage were mostly young people. Everybody was dancing, and it was really relaxed, a few even started smoking their spliffs, so the air was filled with this typical smell. Directly after the concert, I bought a CD from "Les Babacools", which is not as great as the concert was, but still really nice to listen to.
After that, some Hungarian band was playing some Dub thing, so we started wandering around and saw Günther Paal (aka Gunkl) during his sound-check twenty minutes before his show started. So we went around a bit more in the Donaupark, where most of these things were going on, and met some of Paula's friends that she knows from her German course. Then, at 21:30, Bauchklang was performing (man, they're bad...), and we stayed until the end of the concert. Then we went to the (overcrowded) Cafe Strom to have a beer, and then home.