I'm currently thinking about redoing synflood.at. Right now, the website doesn't look too pretty, and so I want to redo it. It should get a better design (the design will most likely come from oswd.org), should be better structured, not rely on some fancy software like a CMS, but instead be built out of static pages only. The output format should be XHTML 1.0 or 1.1, but definitely no pre-XML HTML variant.
The variants I've been thinking about were the following:
- WML: one idea I had was to build upon Ralf Engelschall's Website Meta Language. I used WML a few times back in 2000, but haven't done much with it since then.
- XML + XSLT: that would be the most interesting possibility, but I'm currently struggling between letting it do on the client side or doing the transformations on the server side.
- ...
So, if any of my readers has a better idea or suggestion, post them in the comments. And remember: no dynamic CMS stuff!