I solved the blog spam problem with the following trick: I simply added a [[CAPTCHA]] to the comment dialog. This was inspired by
Kristian Koehntopp's Serendipity advocacy, and fortunately, there's a CAPTCHA system available for WordPress. You can find it
here. It took some hacking to get it running, but now it works like a charm, and keeps comment spammers off my site.
Of course, the CAPTCHA system is not really one of the most advances ones (there could be definitely more distortions than just a fancy font and a low constrast between font and background), it is IMHO definitely enough to make it too difficult for spammers to break the CAPTCHA in order to post the spam. On the other side: probably the spammers
would really break the CAPTCHA and thus solve an [[AI-complete]] problem? Then we would move on to the next, better CAPTCHA system, and probably the spammers would break it again, and so on, and the comment spammers would drive on AI research.