Christian Schöller pointed out a small
political quiz in his weblog. I did that quiz, too, and that's my result:
Actually, I would characterize myself as green socialdemocrat (the green part of me being a "realo"), I strongly believe in the need of a good social system, I also believe that one a country's duties is to satisfy the basic needs for all citizens, be it water, electricity, heating, reasonably priced shelters, a guaranteed low price for staple foods, etc. So, I definitely don't want to be moved into the "libertarian" corner, as they believe in almost the exact opposite (and sometimes, weird stuff like private gun possession). All in all, I don't feel quite represented by this quiz, but that's possibly because it's US-centric, and neither socialdemocrats nor greens have any significance over there. So definitely not a country where I would want to live.