Thursday, May 19. 2005
Gestern bei der Vorpremiere von "Star Wars Episode III" gewesen. Zusammenfassung: coole Action, nette Effekte, und endlich machen soviele Sachen Sinn, wo sich bisher (scheinbar) Episode 1-2 und 4-6 widersprochen haben.
Zur Überschrift: das ist die Order, um alle Jedis niederzumetzeln. Anakin ist übrigens nur ein Opfer seiner Gefühle, und Episode 3 zeigt sehr deutlich, warum er in den weiteren Episoden so erpicht darauf ist, diese Rebellen zu erledigen. Klares Beispiel für "Ziel aus den Augen verloren". Mehr will ich auch nicht verraten. Naja, schon noch eines, und zwar in Form eines Slashdot Meme: Natalie Portman pregnant and petrified. Hot grits down Lord Vader's pants.
Wednesday, March 2. 2005
Today I saw Constantine, and I have to admit, it's a really thrilling movie, quite violent, but cool. Not a movie that makes you think a lot, but nevertheless really good. My absolute favorite is Peter Stormare as Satan with red eyes and a white suit, demonstrating (again) that he's an outstanding actor.
Monday, February 7. 2005
If you want to see a hilarious documentation about Mozart's (aka Wolfgang Romatz Edler von Sauschwanz aka Franz v. Nasenblut) life, go and watch Der Wadenmesser. Mozart had an incredibly strange life, and Kurt Palm presents it in an extremly funny but still well-researched way, with lots of more or less useless facts, in a style similar to "Sendung ohne Namen", but way more relaxed. The movie also contains its cruel scenes, like an ox is being slaughtered, or a real person having a real blood-letting! And if you really watch this movie, be sure to memorize the riddle in the beginning, because you will have to wait for the answer for several thousand seconds, and they won't tell you the riddle again in the end, only the answer...
Monday, November 29. 2004
Today I saw the movie The Motorcycle Diaries, a movie about Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (better known as "[[Che Guevara]]" or "el Che"), travelling through South America together with his friend Alberto Granado in 1951/1952. The movie portrays a young and happy man who gets confronted with the social realities in South America. That makes him believe in a united South America, with no racial or monetarial differences. Many of today's kids having Che Guevara on their T-shirts do not know about his intentions, ideals and visions, they all should go and watch this movie.
From the authentic perspective, this movie is really good, showing the authenticity of the movie using original photos taken from young el Che and Alberto. Also, unlike unlike some other movie, the language is quite authentic: Ernesto is from Buenos Aires, and speaks authentic dialect, while Alberto comes from Cordoba (yes, the 1978 one), and speaks their local dialect.
I can only recommend "The Motorcycle Diaries", as it showed el Che's honesty, his social attitude, and his good side.
On a side note: the movie features yerba mate, which is pretty cool.
Friday, August 20. 2004
Yesterday I was in the cinema, watching Fahrenheit 9/11. I have to say, I was really impressed. Contrary to "Bowling for Columbine", Michael Moore didn't put himself in the foreground, and except for two scenes (reading out loud the PATRIOT act from an ice cream wagon, asking senators to enlist their children to the Army), he doesn't do anything else funny or something like that. And AFAICR, there is only one other scene where he appears, and that is front of the Watergate hotel and the Saudi-Arabian embassy.
What I really like about Fahrenheit 9/11 is the well-researched relationship between the Bush family and the Bin Laden family, and the sometimes really rare filming he presented, e.g. the bomb attack on a group of GIs, the (uncensored) body desecration of the US-american mercenaries whose burnt bodies were hung up at some bridge, the countless pictures of dead and wounded Iraqi civilians, and the sometimes really shocking interviews with GIs, who found it "cool to fight with a catchy tune in their ears". So, in case you haven't seen the movie yet, do so. It already pays off for the closing music, Neil Young's original "Rocking in the Free World".
Monday, July 19. 2004
Hans Söllner is one of the few persons who still has something to say. Today I saw a documentation about him in Moviemento, called Der bayerische Rebell, and I was really impressed: this man still has courage to go to the police and file a self-complaint for drug possession, and to encourage other people to follow him just to DDoS police and attorneys. In the interviews, Hans Söllner gives a really interesting insight on his views of the world, his moral principles (doing what you want to do as long as you don't harm anyone) and his "relationship" with the Bavarian state authorities.
Another part of this documentation is interviews of traditional Bavarians from the place where he lives about Hans Söllner. It's really scary and shocking how adapted and silent these people are about all the unjust things that are going on especially in Bavaria. Hardly anybody really likes him, either, because he criticized Bavarian politicians and Bavarian politics as a whole. It's also scary when he tells the interviewer about the things he experienced with the police, e.g. a searching of his tour bus a few years ago, including a degrading personal search with anal examination (he could have hidden drugs in his ass) and stuff. The state attorneys are trying to get as often as possible, and so he e.g. got fined with (as far as I can remember) DM 7000,- for owning 1 kilogram of perfectly legal industrial hemp that he bought for about DM 57,- in a store in Cologne, just because state attorneys couldn't admit that they made a mistake didn't let analyze the hemp properly (which would have shown that the hemp is THC-free).
Of course, one has to look at Hans Söllner critically, and he definitely gets more attention through his problems with the state authorities (which he is often enough provoking), and some of his ideas are pretty weird and crude (suing Bavaria for not seizing and convicting the people who make the drugs available to him), but still, he's an interesting person to listen to. So people, if you have the chance, watch "Der bayerische Rebell" in cinema, or buy the DVD in October.
Saturday, November 22. 2003
After some problems with DNS and the webserver itself, and this weblog is back online.
Yesterday I saw a movie that I can really recommend. It's called una casa con vista al mar. Moviemento played it, in the original language (spanish) with german and french subtitles. Paula, a friend from Argentina, said that the spanish spoken in the movie was not quite authentic, since the main actor was actually speaking Spanish dialect, while all the other people spoke some more or less local dialect (the movie plays in Venezuela). Anyway, it's quite interesting, and I can only recommend it (and no, I won't tell you anything about the plot).