Recently, I had quite a lot of free time to do stuff on my own. I'm currently unfit for work, and have been for over 2 months now, while I'm being treated for depression (don't worry, it's getting better).
To get myself going and get back on my feet, I started taking playing with technologies that I had recently read about, and built some simple things with them. As usual, I publish my works as open source. is one of these things. It's a meta URL shortener that will submit your URL shortening request to a number of URL shorteners in parallel, in display you the shortened URLs as they are received. See
here for the source.
The interesting thing about this project is that it's essentially my first project involving AJAXy things and a shiny user interface (I used
Bootstrap for the UI). I never really liked JavaScript, due to quite a few awkward language properties. Instead, I tried out
Dart, a new language by Google that is meant as a replacement for JavaScript and currently provides a compiler to translate Dart code to JavaScript.
Dart is rather conventional. It obviously reminds one of Java, due to a very similar syntax. With its class system, it also provides compile-time checks that rule out a lot of errors beforehand. In addition, the generated code is meant to be quite portable, i.e. it should work with all/most modern browsers. Even though the documentation is terrible, I still found my ways a lot quicker than with my previous attempts with JavaScript. I got code running pretty quickly, had some first prototype, and from there on, it went quite fast. So Dart got me kind of hooked. Client-side web programming suddenly seemed easy.
So the next thing that I tried out was building a location hash router. The location hash is the part after the # sign that you may sometimes see in URLs. In recent times, it got more popular to keep the state of so-called single-page apps, web applications where all communication to the server is done using AJAX and the page is modified not by reloading but by modifying the DOM tree instead. You can find the source for hashroute.dart
The idea behind it is that you define a number of path patterns,
Sinatra-style, e.g.
/foo/:id, and callbacks that will be called whenever the location hash is set to a value that matches the pattern. When you look at the source, this is surprisingly simple and easy to understand.
And so I tried out another thing in Dart.
David Tanzer recently told me about his idea of writing a blackboard application, where one user can draw something (his idea was using a tablet computer) and others can watch this in real time in their browser. After having a rough idea how I could implement that, I started a prototype with Dart on the client-side and
Go on the server-side. You can find the source for the prototype
here. The drawing is done on a HTML5 <canvas>. The Dart client not only allows the drawing, but records the coordinates for every stroke, and sends them to the server using WebSockets. The server takes these coordinates and forwards them to all listening clients, again via WebSockets. The "slave" is equally simple: it opens a WebSocket to the Go server and draws all incoming strokes according to the submitted coordinates. Currently, there is no authentication at all, and it's only a very early prototype, but this is not only a piece of code that (again surprisingly) simple, but also an idea that could evolve into a useful tool.
In total, I'm very satisfied with how straightforward Dart makes it to write client-side web applications. I've been pretty much a n00b when it came to the client side of the web, but with Dart, it feels accessible for me for the first time.