Sunday, September 5. 2004
Today, I relaunched I decided on using WML (Website Meta Language), which worked like a charm, chose a nice design from OSWD, built the necessary templates and added bits of WML glue, and moved the content from the old page to the new page. Now, my website looks way better than before, but still contains basically the same stuff. And the best thing is: all pages validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict, the CSS is error-free, and the design doesn't use any tables.
In case you find any problems like broken links, please report them to me.
I'm currently thinking about redoing Right now, the website doesn't look too pretty, and so I want to redo it. It should get a better design (the design will most likely come from, should be better structured, not rely on some fancy software like a CMS, but instead be built out of static pages only. The output format should be XHTML 1.0 or 1.1, but definitely no pre-XML HTML variant.
The variants I've been thinking about were the following: - WML: one idea I had was to build upon Ralf Engelschall's Website Meta Language. I used WML a few times back in 2000, but haven't done much with it since then.
- XML + XSLT: that would be the most interesting possibility, but I'm currently struggling between letting it do on the client side or doing the transformations on the server side.
- ...
So, if any of my readers has a better idea or suggestion, post them in the comments. And remember: no dynamic CMS stuff!
Thursday, September 2. 2004
"A version control system is not an instant messenger."
-- Markus Maier
Wednesday, September 1. 2004
At least that's what Kristian Köhntopp wants us to do[DE]. He's also advertising Serendipity, a blogging tool that does all the trackbacking stuff automagically. For those who don't know how Trackback works, there's a page briefly explaining it (which is a bit MovableType-centric, but the general explanation is blogsoftware agnostic).
Sunday, August 29. 2004
Today, when I wanted to check my emails, I noticed that my iBook doesn't show anything on the screen anymore. So I switched it off, and on again, and what I heard was not quite amusing: first, I heard the usual flourish, but right after that, also three beeps, and the computer stopped booting. Well, after some searching on Google, I found out that this seems to be RAM-related problem.  Well, I need to get that fixed ASAP so that I can continue my work on my project and paper for 21C3, but I don't know when since I'm in Salzburg during the week.
This also makes me think: after all, Apple hardware doesn't seem to be as robust as expected. After owning that iBook for 1 year and 8 months, I already had two big problems (the faulty logic board and this one now), and it's costing me time to get it running again. I'm already thinking about selling that iBook and moving back to a PC notebook, since I'm sure that more problems will arise after this one is sold.
Thursday, August 26. 2004
Today, the Call for Papers (CfP) for the 21st Chaos Communication Congress (21C3) has been published. Read, enjoy and submit (if you have something interesting to present at 21C3).
Tuesday, August 24. 2004
According to Heise, cdrecord is currently in big trouble, with flamewars going on on LKML. This is of course a bad thing, since Linux users need some program to burn CDs on their Linux machines. My proposal (short and clear): if Joerg Schilling is unwilling to cooperate with the Linux developers, other developers should fork development and publish their own version of it, under a new name. SuSE already heavily patches cdrecord so that it can write to DVDs, so their patch would be a good start. Joerg Schilling does provide an own version of cdrecord with DVD support, but he doesn't publish it in source form, with a proprietary license, and a license key file that needs to be renewed every 6 months or so. But instead of helping create good software, he keeps on trolling on the usual mailing lists, insulting Linux distributors and insisting on his (often obscure and crude) opinions.
Sunday, August 22. 2004
As every year, this year's Chaos Communication Congress will take place from Dec 27th to Dec 29th in Berlin, this year as last year in the bcc at [[Alexanderplatz]]. To make it better than last year, the organizers started the website a lot sooner, although it doesn't contain that much unique content that we didn't know from the other congress websites before.
And to make everything better than the year before, a new Wiki has been started: What I'm really happy about is that they took Mediawiki instead of TWiki (which they used to use before). Mediawiki is the software that Wikipedia is using, and definitely the Wiki software that is suited best for large-scale Wikis, and that most people are familiar with, even while it doesn't allow that finely grained access control as e.g. TWiki. Additionally, they even started an own weblog about 21C3, which is available at
I, for my part, also started with my preparations for 21C3: I'm currently working on a nice steganographic project based on ideas and heavily influenced by Richard Bergmair, who will himself present his work on linguistic steganography at 21C3 (if they only published the CfP  ).
Discussions suck! Or at least the ones that iterate the same topics over and over. This is making me really crazy. In the last few months I have the feeling that people just want to "discuss" everything, reiterating the same topics, facts and arguments over and over, with no new insights. I'm so fed up with this. So, if you want to approach me with some "discussion" in the future, be aware that I might react with a short answer or no answer at all, and the reaction might be angry. So, only discuss about new stuff that hasn't been broadly covered in the usual media (TV, newspapers, the usual geek news sites, ...) and that is relevant. And what is relevant is up to me. "New stuff" also contains new arguments for a topic that has been covered in the usual media, but only if they give new insight on the topic. People just seem to forget that these days.
Friday, August 20. 2004
Yesterday I was in the cinema, watching Fahrenheit 9/11. I have to say, I was really impressed. Contrary to "Bowling for Columbine", Michael Moore didn't put himself in the foreground, and except for two scenes (reading out loud the PATRIOT act from an ice cream wagon, asking senators to enlist their children to the Army), he doesn't do anything else funny or something like that. And AFAICR, there is only one other scene where he appears, and that is front of the Watergate hotel and the Saudi-Arabian embassy.
What I really like about Fahrenheit 9/11 is the well-researched relationship between the Bush family and the Bin Laden family, and the sometimes really rare filming he presented, e.g. the bomb attack on a group of GIs, the (uncensored) body desecration of the US-american mercenaries whose burnt bodies were hung up at some bridge, the countless pictures of dead and wounded Iraqi civilians, and the sometimes really shocking interviews with GIs, who found it "cool to fight with a catchy tune in their ears". So, in case you haven't seen the movie yet, do so. It already pays off for the closing music, Neil Young's original "Rocking in the Free World".
Wednesday, August 18. 2004
One of my programs, tpp ( 1, 2, 3), has finally entered Debian unstable: Many thanks go out to Nico Golde, who is both co-author and maintainer of the Debian package.
Look at the cute plush microbes at! So likeable.  Do you want yeast, ebola, black plague, athlete's food, halitosis or a simple flu as stuffed "animal"? It's all there.
Sunday, August 15. 2004
By total coincidence I stumbled upon a really interesting alternative to LaTeX2html, the program that we learned to love and hate when we wanted to put our LaTeX documents online in an HTML version. The alternative is called HeVeA, is written in OCAML, and generates (IMHO) better HTML than LaTeX2html does. When you call hevea, it will generate a single HTML file. You can then split this HTML file using the tool hacha, and it will generate a TOC and several HTML files similar to LaTeX2html. And: it is extremely fast. A downside: it doesn't work with LaTeX files that use powersem (which I use to generate my slides for presentations).
Saturday, August 14. 2004
 As a few of my readers probably know, I own a VAXstation 4000 m90, and instead of having it stand around and catch dust, I would like to have a shelter for it, with power, net and a public IP address, where it could run uninterrupted. So I would be really happy if someone could provide me with such a place. What do you get in return? An account on one of the fastest [[VAX|VAXen]] ever built.